Publication Detail

What Will Power the Hydrogen Economy? Present and Future Sources of Hydrogen Energy


Research Report

Hydrogen Pathways Program

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Suggested Citation:
Lipman, Timothy E. (2004) What Will Power the Hydrogen Economy? Present and Future Sources of Hydrogen Energy. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-04-10

This report first considers various methods for producing hydrogen, including discussion of the production potential for the United States (U.S.). Next, hydrogen distribution and delivery options are briefly summarized and discussed, including discussion of the environmental pollutant emissions implications and land and water use impacts of different production options. Also discussed are potential regional hydrogen production strategies around the U.S., and potential for regional hydrogen production from renewable sources. Finally, policy implications are discussed in the conclusions section, in light of the hydrogen production option costs and benefits that are reviewed and described in the report.