Publication Detail
UCD-ITS-RP-12-82 Journal Article Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS) Available online at: |
Suggested Citation:
Creutzig, Felix, Alexander Popp, Richard J. Plevin, Gunnar Luderer, Jan Minx, Ottmar Edenhofer (2012) Reconciling Top-down and Bottom-up Modeling on Future Bioenergy Deployment. Nature Climate Change 2, 320 - 327
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) assesses the role of bioenergy as a solution to meeting energy demand in a climate-constrained world. Based on integrated assessment models, the SRREN states that deployed bioenergy will contribute the greatest proportion of primary energy among renewable energies and result in greenhouse-gas emission reductions. The report also acknowledges insights from life-cycle assessments, which characterize biofuels as a potential source of significant greenhouse-gas emissions and environmental harm. The SRREN made considerable progress in bringing together contrasting views on indirect land-use change from inductive bottom-up studies, such as life-cycle analysis, and deductive top-down assessments. However, a reconciliation of these contrasting views is still missing. Tackling this challenge is a fundamental prerequisite for future bioenergy assessment.
Keywords: Sustainability, Energy, Economics, interdisciplinary studies