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Preliminary Report: NextSTEPS Natural Gas Scenarios Workshop - February 2013 "Exploring Options for Natural Gas in Transportation"


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

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Suggested Citation:
Jaffe, Amy Myers and Rosa Dominguez-Faus (2013) Preliminary Report: NextSTEPS Natural Gas Scenarios Workshop - February 2013 "Exploring Options for Natural Gas in Transportation". Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-13-28

Rapid growth of oil and natural gas production from unconventional shale resources in the United States and Canada is radically changing the dynamics of the energy industry. Shale gas will have transformational impact on energy supply, pricing, energy trade patterns and geopolitics, and to existing oil and gas industry business models and transportation fuel pathways, speakers concluded at special scenarios workshop examining the potential pathways for natural gas to emerge as a transportation fuel. The two day workshop, organized by The Next Steps program of the Institute for Transportation Studies UC Davis, was held on February 4-5, 2013, and included representatives from vehicle manufacturers, financial institutions, energy companies, natural gas market analysts, policy makers, fuels infrastructure companies, trucking firms, fuels engineers/scientists, academic researchers, and students. The workshop covered wide ranging discussions of scenarios for natural gas market supply and pricing as well as for technological breakthroughs in vehicle and conversion technologies, fuel switching and policy adoption and influence. Both direct use in vehicles as well as indirect applications such as natural gas as a feedstock for hydrogen fuels or for electricity generation as part of the electrification of the transportation sector was discussed as part of the proceedings. This report summarizes the background presentations made at the workshop which was aimed to investigate the potential pathways for natural gas to emerge as a transportation fuel. A second expanded report is planned that will include major scenarios for natural gas in transportation.