Publication Detail

Evaluation of the Flywheel Drive Concept for Passenger Vehicles


Journal Article

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

Suggested Citation:
Frank, Andrew A. and Norman Beachley (1979) Evaluation of the Flywheel Drive Concept for Passenger Vehicles. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-79-01

Suggested Citation: Frank, A. and Beachley, N., "Evaluation of the Flywheel Drive Concept for Passenger Vehicles," SAE Technical Paper 790049, 1979, doi:10.4271/790049.

A flywheel to manage energy between a prime mover and a load has been used in many engineering applications. Automotive applications, however, pose a number of difficult problems which can be overcome only with proper design. Substantial mileage and performance improvements while meeting emission constraints can then be accomplished with the concept.

An experimental flywheel car has been designed and built at the University of Wisconsin that has demonstrated a mileage improvement of about 50% over a corresponding production vehicle on the EPA/FUDC. With continued research and development gains of 100% appear feasible.