Publication Detail

Electric and Electric-Hybrid Cars-Evaluation and Comparison


Journal Article

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

Suggested Citation:
Beachley, Norman and Andrew A. Frank (1973) Electric and Electric-Hybrid Cars-Evaluation and Comparison. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-73-01

Suggested Citation: Beachley, N. and Frank, A., "Electric and Electric-Hybrid Cars-Evaluation and Comparison," SAE Technical Paper 730619, 1973, doi:10.4271/730619.

The electric car has many features that make it attractive for urban use. Currently, its principal shortcomings are its short range and poor efficiency for a realistic driving cycle. An electric hybrid car of advanced design, such as the University of Wisconsin model described here, can overcome the limitations of the all-electric car, while retaining most of its advantages, but only at the expense of greater complexity. More research and development is required before either version can be an adequate replacement for our present internal combustion engine cars.