Publication Detail

A Technique for Obtaining an Engine Emissions Model Based on Continuous EPA-CVS Test Data and a Dynamic Vehicle Model


Journal Article

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

Suggested Citation:
Radtke, Richard, Andrew A. Frank, Norman Beachley (1976) A Technique for Obtaining an Engine Emissions Model Based on Continuous EPA-CVS Test Data and a Dynamic Vehicle Model. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-76-01

Suggested Citation: Radtke, R., Frank, A., and Beachley, N., "A Technique for Obtaining an Engine Emissions Model Based on Continuous EPA-CVS Test Data and a Dynamic Vehicle Model," SAE Technical Paper 760156, 1976, doi:10.4271/760156.

A new technique for obtaining engine emission flow rate maps has been developed. The maps are based on specific emissions data obtained on a continuous basis over a single EPA-CVS urban driving cycle test. The data are averaged for the various torque-speed ranges of the engine. It has been found that these dynamic average emission flow rate maps, which are functions only of engine torque and speed, allow instantaneous emissions to be fairly accurately predicted. It also appears that the technique might be used advantageously to determine engine calibration parameters.