Publication Detail
UCD-ITS-RP-10-89 Journal Article Available online at: DOI: 10.2514/1.45264 |
Suggested Citation:
Sarigul-Klijn, Nesrin, Ryan Rapetti, Albert Jordan, Israel Lopez, Marti M. Sarigul-Klijn, Pascal Nespeca (2010) Intelligent Flight-Trajectory Generation to Maximize Safe-Outcome Probability After a Distress Event. Journal of Aircraft 47 (1), 255 - 267
A flight trajectory generation method called the distressed-aircraft-recovery technique for maximum safe outcome probability (DART_MSOP), based on integration of three new algorithms, is developed that maximizes safe-outcome probability after a distress event by incorporating an abort airport together with a model of current aircraft dynamics. Several abort-probability models are studied under various constraints. The first new algorithm, a statistical-based initial-turn-determination algorithm, is developed to advise pilots to a reachable best landing site immediately after the distress event and before using the second new algorithm, a high-fidelity flight trajectory generation algorithm. A third new algorithm determines the flight maneuver for guidance of a perpetual-turning attitude aircraft to fly the trajectory generated by the second algorithm. The third algorithm is only used if the aircraft has stuck controls or a similar malfunction that generates a nonzero amount of bank angle and causes the aircraft to turn only in one direction. As a three-dimensional high-fidelity algorithm, the second algorithm considers the probability of an abort to increase overall survivability by minimizing expected flight-path length as it shapes the trajectory. The performance of this new intelligent flight trajectory determination method DART_MSOP is evaluated using a case study based on a hypothetical in-flight distressed transport aircraft in northern California. Numerical simulations include variable failure rates to simulate different in-flight distress conditions, and multiple fixes along the path to accommodate realistic trajectories. DART_MSOP intelligent flight trajectory determination method should increase aviation safety if these algorithms are implemented in aircraft avionics systems.