Publication Detail
UCD-ITS-RP-12-89 Journal Article Available online at: DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2011.03.004 |
Suggested Citation:
Kuo, Brian C. and Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn (2012) Conceptual Study of Micro-tab Device in Airframe Noise Reduction: (II) 3D Computation. Aerospace Science and Technology 17 (1), 32 - 39
A three-dimensional numerical study is conducted to better understand noise reduction results seen in the previous two-dimensional investigation of the acoustic effects of micro-tab device on airframe noise reduction. Without sacrificing the aerodynamic performance, it is possible to achieve high-lift noise reduction with the application of the micro-tab device attached to the pressure side of the flap surface near its trailing-edge. This study was carried out by numerical hybrid method, which combines Computational Fluid Dynamics and acoustic analogy to predict the farfield noise spectrum. The near-full-scale computational results show that the micro-tab device with reduced deflection of the high-lift devices achieves noise reduction in mid-to-high frequency domain, in particular the range that human beings are most sensitive to. In addition, a parametric study in terms of geometric variation of the micro-tab was also investigated and reported. The three-dimensional results obtained thus far show reduction in noise levels with use of micro-tab.
Keywords: Computational aeroacoustics; High-lift devices; Micro-tab; Airframe noise