Publication Detail
UCD-ITS-RP-11-97 Journal Article UC Pavement Research Center, Sustainable Transportation Center Available online at: DOI: 10.3141/2204-25 |
Suggested Citation:
Jones, David and Pengcheng Fu (2011) Project Selection Guidelines for Road Rehabilitation Through Full-Depth Reclamation with Foamed Asphalt. Transportation Research Record 2204 (2), 194 - 205
Full-depth reclamation–recycling—or deep in situ recycling—of damaged pavement with foamed asphalt and an active filler (e.g., portland cement or lime) to provide a stabilized base for a new hot-mix asphalt or chip-sealed wearing course, is a pavement rehabilitation–upgrading strategy of increasing interest worldwide. However, the process is not a fix-all solution that can be used in every instance to rehabilitate failed or close-to-failed pavements, and a thorough project investigation needs to be undertaken to identify candidate projects as well as problems that need to be corrected before rehabilitation–upgrading can be considered. This paper provides guidelines for undertaking such an investigation and is applicable to projects with both thin (multiple chip seals) and thick (multiple lifts of thin asphalt concrete) surfacings.