Publication Detail
UCD-ITS-RP-16-41 Journal Article Available online at |
Suggested Citation:
Amrouche, Fethia, Paul A. Erickson, Scott Varnhagen, Jae Wan Park (2016) An Experimental Study of a Hydrogen-Enriched Ethanol Fueled Wankel Rotary Engine at Ultra Lean and Full Load Conditions. Energy Conversion and Management 123 (1 September 2016), 174 - 184
In this paper, the effect of hydrogen addition to ethanol in a monorotor Wankel engine at wide open throttle position and in an ultra-lean operating regime was experimentally investigated. For this aim, variation of hydrogen enrichment levels on the ethanol engine performance and emissions were considered. Experiments were carried out under a constant engine speed of 3000 rpm and fixed spark timing of 15 °BTDC. The test results showed that hydrogen enrichment improved the combustion process through shortening of the flame development and flame propagation periods and reducing the cyclic variation. Furthermore, the reduction of burn duration with the increase of hydrogen fraction enhances the thermal efficiency, reducing the brake-specific energy consumption, as well as reducing the unburned hydrocarbons emissions of the Wankel engine.
Keywords: Wankel rotary engine, Hydrogen enriched ethanol, Ultra-lean burn, Engine economy, Unburned hydrocarbons emissions