Publication Detail

Survey and Data Observation on Consumer Motivations to DC Fast Charge


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS), Electric Vehicle Research Center

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Suggested Citation:
Nicholas, Michael A. and Gil Tal (2017) Survey and Data Observation on Consumer Motivations to DC Fast Charge. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-17-21

Fast charging was analyzed through a large fast charge session database from network provider EVgo and through a survey of 162 fast charging respondents. Both short and long-range battery electric vehicle (BEV) usage was close to home where half of all paid charging was 6-8 miles from home as the crow flies but heavy users dominated this metric, and light users charged farther away. Users with no home charging, who had lower income than the median, used fast charging as a replacement for and in conjunction with the Level 2 network. 54% of respondents would not have taken their EV without the fast charging network. About 43% of all respondents shopped at a retail establishment because of charging, spending an average of $30.

Keywords: DC Fast Charging, business model, Level 2

Presented at EVS30 Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9-11, 2017