Author Detail

Gil Tal (

University of California, Davis

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Publications (169 records):

Title Year Series

The Cost of Aggressive Electrification Targets – Who Bears the Burden Without Mitigating Policies?

2024 Journal Article

To Charge or Not to Charge: Enhancing Electric Vehicle Charging Management with LSTM-based Prediction of Non-Critical Charging Sessions and Renewable Energy Integration

2024 Research Report

Measuring the Emissions and Socioeconomic Benefits of CARB’s Incentives and Regulatory Programs: The Light-Duty Vehicle Sector Programs

2024 Research Report

Assessing the Total Cost of Ownership of Electric Vehicles among California Households 

2024 Research Report

How Many More Public Charging Stations Do We Need? A Data-Driven Approach Considering Charging Station Overflow Dynamics

2024 Journal Article

Future of Global Electric Vehicle Supply Chain: Exploring the Impact of Global Trade on Electric Vehicle Production and Battery Requirements

2024 Journal Article
The Costs and Challenges of Installing Corridor DC Fast Chargers in California 2023 Journal Article
Implications of Global Electric Vehicle Adoption Targets for Mexico Light Duty Auto Industry 2023 Research Report
Exploring Tools for Maximizing the Potential for Electrified Transit Buses in Mexico 2023 Research Report
How Disruptive are Unreliable Electric Vehicle Chargers? Empirically Evaluating the Impact of Charger Reliability on Driver Experience 2023 Journal Article
Brief: Mexico Electrified: Updating Mass Transit Vehicles to Help Meet Paris Climate Goals 2023 Brief
Do Plug-in Hybrid Adopters Switch to Battery Electric Vehicles (And Vice Versa)? 2023 Journal Article
Reliability of Corridor DC Fast Chargers and the Prevalence of no-Charge Events 2023 Conference Paper
Using Machine Learning Models to Forecast  Electric Vehicle Destination and Charging Event 2023 Conference Paper
Exploring Workplace or Public Charging Demand for Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Califronia 2023 Conference Paper
Exploring Factors Related to Future Electric Vehicle Ownership Across Rural California 2023 Conference Paper
Developing a Deep Learning Tool to Detect  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Failures 2023 Conference Paper
Spatial Equity Analysis of DC Fast Charging Infrastructure in Urban and Rural Areas of California 2023 Conference Paper
EV Supply Modelling: Implications of Global EV Adoption Targets for Mexico’s Light-Duty Auto Industry 2023 Conference Paper
Electric Cars in California:  Early Adopters' Total Cost of Ownership 2023 Conference Paper
To Adopt Rooftop Solar or Not Along With Electric Vehicles? Exploring the Factors Influencing Co-adoption Decisions Among Electric Vehicle Owners in California 2023 Journal Article
Evaluating the Emissions Benefits of Investor-Owned Utility Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Programs in California 2023 Conference Paper

Evaluate Zero-Emissions Vehicle Charging Stations at Caltrans Facilities - A Corridor DC Fast Charger Infrastructure Performance Study (Final Report for Agreement 65A0730)

2023 Research Report
Pioneers of Electric Mobility: Lessons About Transport Decarbonisation From Two Bay Areas 2022 Journal Article
Strategies to Reduce Congestion and Increase Access to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Workplaces 2022 Research Report
From Shifting Gears to Changing Modes: The Impact of Driver Inputs on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Use & Emissions 2022 Journal Article
Investigating Hydrogen Station Use and Station Access in California Using a Survey of Fuel Cell Vehicle Drivers 2022 Research Report
Brief: Refueling Behavior of California Fuel Cell Vehicle Drivers 2022 Brief
Using the Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Planning Toolbox to Understand Market Growth in California 2022 Research Report
Estimating the Travel Demand Impacts of Semi Automated Vehicles 2022 Journal Article
California’s Advanced Clean Cars II: Issues and Implications 2022 Working Paper
Empirical Charging Behavior of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2022 Journal Article
Electrification of Vehicle Miles Traveled and Fuel Consumption Within the Household Context: A Case Study From California, U.S.A. 2022 Journal Article
Estimating the Impact of Partial Automation on Vehicle Miles Traveled in California 2022 Conference Paper
Discontinuance Among California’s Electric Vehicle Buyers: Why are Some Consumers Abandoning Electric Vehicles? 2021 Research Report
Brief: Why are Some California Consumers Abandoning Electric Vehicle Ownership? 2021 Brief
Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero 2021 Research Report
Cost of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Ownership: The Cost of Transitioning to Five Million Plug-In Vehicles in California 2021 Research Report
Brief: Cost of Vehicle Ownership: Cost Parity Between Plug-in Electric Vehicles and Conventional Vehicles Is at Least a Decade Away 2021 Brief
Expanding the UC Davis GIS Electric Vehicle Planning Toolbox Beyond California: The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Case Study 2021 Research Report
Where are Used Electric Vehicles and Who are the Buyers? 2021 Research Report
Brief: Exposure to Electric Vehicle Technology at Home and Work Can Fuel Market Growth 2021 Brief
Plug-in Electric Vehicle Diffusion in California: Role of Exposure to New Technology at Home and Work 2021 Research Report
Examining energy uncertainty in battery bus deployments for transit agencies in California 2021 Journal Article
Estimating the Total Number of Workplace and Public Electric Vehicle Chargers in California 2021 Journal Article
Integrating Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) into Household Fleets - Factors Influencing Miles Traveled by PEV Owners in California (research report) 2021 Research Report
Investigating the Sensitivity of Electric Vehicle Out-of-Home Charging Demand to Changes in Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet Makeup and Usage: A Case Study for California 2030 2021 Journal Article
Integrating Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) Into Household Fleets - Factors Influencing Miles Traveled by PEV Owners in California (journal article) 2021 Journal Article
Brief: Where Are Buyers of Used Electric Vehicles in California? 2021 Brief
Understanding Discontinuance Among California’s Electric Vehicle Owners 2021 Journal Article
Brief: Expanding the UC Davis GIS Electric Vehicle Planning Toolbox Beyond California 2021 Brief
Emerging Technology Zero Emission Vehicle Household Travel and Refueling Behavior 2021 Research Report
Behavioral and technology implications of electromobility on household travel emissions 2021 Journal Article
Comparisons of Real-World Vehicle Energy Efficiency with Dynamometer-Based Ratings and Simulation Models 2021 Journal Article
Emission Implications of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Through an Empirical Exploration of Engine Starts 2021 Journal Article
From Sport to Eco: A Case Study of Driver Inputs on Electric Vehicle Efficiency 2021 Journal Article
An In-Depth Examination of Electric Vehicle Incentives: Consumer Heterogeneity and Changing Response over Time 2020 Journal Article
Brief: Exploring the Role of Cities in Electrifying Passenger Transportation 2020 Brief
Factors Affecting Demand for Plug-in Charging Infrastructure: An Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Commuters 2020 Research Report
Exploring electric vehicle charging patterns: Mixed usage of charging infrastructure 2020 Journal Article
Validity Assessment and Calibration Approach for Simulation Models of Energy Efficiency of Light-Duty Vehicles 2020 Journal Article
Why Do Some Consumers Not Charge Their Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles? Evidence From Californian Plug-in Hybrid Owners 2020 Journal Article
"Electric Cars in California: Policy and Behavior Perspectives" chapter in Who’s Driving Electric Cars  2020 Journal Article
Brief: What Factors Drive Commuters’ Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure? 2020 Brief
The Value of Fleet Management for Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Usage, Charging, and Grid Integration 2020 Research Report
Scenarios for Transitioning Cars From Icev to Bevs and Phevs Using Household Level Gps Travel Data 2020 Journal Article
Who’s Driving Electric Cars 2020 Book Chapter
Discontinuance Among California’s Electric Vehicle Buyers: Why Are Some Adopters Abandoning Electric Vehicles 2020 Journal Article
Carbon Neutrality Study 1:Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero 2020 Research Report
Plug-in Electric Vehicle Market Research on Consumer in Six Cities in China 2020 Book Chapter
Exploring the Role of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Electrifying Passenger Transportation 2019 Research Report
An Examination of the Impact That Electric Vehicle Incentives Have on Consumer Purchase Decisions Over Time 2019 Research Report
Who Is Buying Electric Vehicles in California? Characterising Early Adopter Heterogeneity and Forecasting Market Diffusion 2019 Journal Article
An Early Look at Plug-In Electric Vehicle Adoption in Disadvantaged Communities in California 2019 Journal Article
Who Will Be the Early Adopters of Automated Vehicles? Insights from a Survey of Electric Vehicle Owners in the United States 2019 Journal Article
Characterizing Plug-In Electric Vehicle Driving and Charging Behavior: Observations from a Year Long Data Collection Study 2019 Journal Article
Investigating the Buyers of Electric Vehicles in California: Are We Moving Beyond Early Adopters? 2019 Journal Article
Exploring the Value of Clean Air Vehicles High Occupancy Lane Access in California 2019 Journal Article
Exploring Heterogeneous Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior: Mixed Usage of Charging Infrastructure 2019 Journal Article
Brief: Incentives for Plug-in Electric Vehicles Are Becoming More Important Over Time for Consumers 2019 Research Report
Brief: Understanding the Early Adopters of Fuel Cell Vehicles 2019 Brief
Demand Drivers for Charging Infrastructure-Charging Behavior of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Commuters 2019 Research Report
How Do Drivers Use Automation? Insights from a Survey of Partially Automated Vehicle Owners in the United States 2019 Journal Article
Influence of User Preferences on the Revealed Utility Factor of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2019 Journal Article
Uncovering Early Adopter’s Perceptions and Purchase Intentions of Automated Vehicles: Insights From Early Adopters of Electric Vehicles in California 2019 Journal Article
Brief: EV Explorer: Educating and Persuading Consumers with an OnlineVehicle Energy Cost Calculator 2019 Brief
What Drives Your Drivers: An In-Depth Look at Lyft and Uber Drivers 2018 Research Report
What Drives Your Drivers: An In-Depth Look at Lyft and Uber Drivers 2018 Presentation Series
A Review of Consumer Preferences of and Interactions with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure 2018 Journal Article
A First Look at Vehicle Miles Travelled in Partially-Automated Vehicles 2018 Working Paper
Who Are the Early Adopters of Fuel Cell Vehicles? 2018 Journal Article
Observed Charging Rates in California 2018 Research Report
The Dynamics of Plug-In Electric Vehicles in the Secondary Market and Their Implication for Vehicle Demand, Durability, and Emissions 2018 Research Report
Policies to Maximize Fuel Economy of Plug-In Hybrids in a Rental Fleet 2018 Journal Article
Motivations and Barriers Associated with the Adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles in Beijing: A Multinomial Logit Model Approach 2018 Journal Article
Exploring Mechanisms of Decision Making for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Adoption or Rejection: A Qualitative Study in a Second- and a Third-Tier City in China 2018 Journal Article
Estimating the Longest Trip for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Households 2018 Journal Article
Modeling the Potential of BEVs and PHEVs in GHG Reduction Based on Household-Level GPS Data 2018 Journal Article
Driving the Market for Plug-In Vehicles: Developing Charging Infrastructure for Consumers 2018 Research Report
Policy Guide: Driving the Market for Plug-in Vehicles: Developing Charging Infrastructure for Consumers 2018 Brief
China's Electric Car Surge 2017 Journal Article
Lessons from In-Use Fast Charging Data: Why Are Drivers Staying Close to Home? 2017 Research Report
Introduction of China Plug-in Electric Vehicle Market and an Exploration of Factors Associated with Choice of Plug-in Electric Vehicle 2017 Journal Article
Electric Vehicle Explorer: Educating  and Persuading Consumers with an Online Vehicle Energy Cost Calculator 2017 Journal Article
The Effectiveness of Financial Purchase Incentives for Battery Electric Vehicles: A Review of the Evidence 2017 Journal Article
Survey and Data Observation on Consumer Motivations to DC Fast Charge 2017 Research Report
First Look at the Plug-in Vehicle Secondary Market 2017 Research Report
BEV Consumer Household Travel Behavior Decisions in Multi-Vehicle Households: Do They Get the Maximum Out of the Nissan LEAF? 2017 Research Report
Financial Purchase Incentives for Battery Electric Vehicles – A Review of the Evidence 2017 Research Report
A Multi-Model Approach to Generating International Electric Vehicle Future Adoption Scenarios 2017 Research Report
Driving the Market for Plug-in Vehicles – Developing PEV Charging Infrastructure for Consumers 2017 Research Report
Driving the Market for Plug-in Vehicles – Understanding Financial Purchase Incentives 2017 Research Report
Driving the Market for Plug-in Vehicles – Understanding Reoccurring Incentives 2017 Research Report
Modeling the Choice of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in California: A Nested Logit Approach 2017 Research Report
Credits and Rebates Play a Key Role in Building Consumer Market for Cleaner Electric Vehicles 2017 Journal Article
EV Explorer: Evaluating a Vehicle Information Tool 2016 Working Paper
Plug-In Electric Vehicle Multi-State Market and Charging Survey 2016 Journal Article
Exploring the Use of a Web Based Map Tool for Travel Behavior Data Collection: Lessons from Plug-in Vehicle Owner Surveys 2016 Journal Article
EVMT in the Household Fleet: Integrating Battery Electric Vehicles into Household Travel 2016 Journal Article
Can Commuters Combat the Duck Curve with Plug-in Electric Vehicles? Scenario Analysis of PHEVs and BEVs 2016 Journal Article
Exploring the Impact of the Federal Tax Credit on the Plug-in Vehicle Market 2016 Journal Article
Exploring the Decision to Adopt a High-End Battery Electric Vehicle: Role of Financial and Nonfinancial Motivations 2016 Journal Article
Equity Impacts of Fee Systems to Support Zero Emission Vehicle Sales in California 2016 Research Report
Exploring the Longest Trip: A New Look on the Impact of Long Road Trips on VMT 2016 Journal Article
Merging Expert Perspectives to Site DC Fast Charging 2016 Journal Article
Rethinking the Role of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles in the Transition to Low Carbon Transportation: Risks and Opportunities 2016 Journal Article
A Comparison of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Markets Between China and the U.S. Based on Surveys 2016 Journal Article
Can We Achieve 100 Million Plug-in Cars by 2030? 2016 Research Report
Advanced Plug-in Electric Vehicle Travel and Charging Behavior Interim Report 2016 Research Report
First Look at the Plug-in Vehicle Secondary Market 2016 Working Paper
Advanced Plug-in Electric Vehicle Travel and Charging Behavior 2016 Presentation Series
NCST Policy Brief: Can California Sustain Its Commitment to Providing Zero-Emission Vehicle Rebates? 2016 Research Report
Electric Vehicle Fast Charger Planning for Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Adapting to Changing Markets and Vehicle Technology 2015 Journal Article
Charging for Charging at Work: Increasing the Availability of Charging Through Pricing 2015 Journal Article
Charging Behavior Impacts on Electric VMT: Who is Not Plugging in? 2014 Journal Article
Exploring the Impact of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Access on Plug-in Vehicle Sales and Usage in California 2014 Research Report
Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Owners in California: A GIS Scenario Planning Tool 2014 Working Paper
Brief: Impacts of Bicycling Strategies on Passenger Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2014 Brief
Brief: Impacts of Network Connectivity on Passenger Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2014 Brief
California Statewide Charging Survey: What Do Drivers Want? 2013 Journal Article
California Statewide Charging Assessment Model for Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Learning from Statewide Travel Surveys 2013 Working Paper
Who Is Buying Electric Cars in California? Exploring Household and Vehicle Fleet Characteristics of New Plug-In Vehicle Owners 2013 Research Report
Charging for Charging at Work: Increasing the Availability of Charging Through Pricing 2013 Working Paper
DC Fast Charging in the Context of Bigger Batteries 2013 Presentation Series
Studying the PEV Market in California: Comparing the PEV, PHEV and Hybrid Markets 2013 Journal Article
"Impacts of ICT on Travel Behavior: A Tapestry of Relationships," chapter in The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies 2013 Journal Article
Charging for Charging: the Paradox of Free Charging and Its Detrimental Effect on the Use of Electric Vehicles 2013 Research Report
Dynamics of Workplace Charging for Plug-In Electric Vehicles: How Much Is Needed and at What Speed? 2013 Journal Article
Brief: Impacts of Regional Accessibility Based on a Review of the Empirical Literature 2013 Brief
Brief: Impacts of Telecommuting Based on a Review of the Empirical Literature 2013 Brief
How Do Local Actions Affect VMT? A Critical Review of the Empirical Evidence 2012 Journal Article
Consumer Perceptions and Use of Driving Distance of Electric Vehicles: Changes over Time Through Lifestyle Learning Process 2012 Journal Article
Measuring Nonmotorized Accessibility and Connectivity in a Robust Pedestrian Network 2012 Journal Article
DC Fast as the Only Public Charging Option? Scenario Testing from GPS-Tracked Vehicles 2012 Journal Article
Learning about Electric Vehicle Range: Findings from the UC Davis MINI E Consumer Study 2012 Research Report
Understanding the Role of the Forecast-Maker in Overestimation Forecasts of Policy Impacts: The Case of Travel Demand Management Policies 2011 Journal Article
Measuring Non-motorized Accessibility and Connectivity in a Robust Pedestrian Network 2011 Research Report
Travel Behavior of Immigrants: An Analysis of the 2001 National Household Transportation Survey 2010 Journal Article
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Design Proposals for Fresno - Final Report 2010 Journal Article
What Makes Public Transit a Success? Perspectives on Ridership in an Era of Uncertain Revenues and Climate Change 2010 Journal Article
Brief: Impacts of Connectivity Based on a Review of the Empirical Literature 2010 Brief
Evaluating the Effect of Car-Sharing: Exploring the Gap between What We Know vs. What We Need to Know and Its Effect on Optimism Bias 2009 Working Paper
Travel Behavior of Immigrant Groups in California 2009 Journal Article
Overestimation Reduction in Forecasting Telecommuting as a TDM Policy 2008 Journal Article

Children’s Bicycling to After-School Activities: The Case of the Davis AYSO Bike-to-Soccer Program

2008 Research Report

Children’s Biking for Nonschool Purposes: Getting to Soccer Games in Davis, California

2008 Journal Article
Overestimation in Forecasting New Transportation Demand Management Policies: Chronicle of an Error Foretold 2008 Research Report
Increasing Children’s Biking for Non- School Purposes Lessons from the Davis, CA ‘Bike to AYSO’ Program 2008 Journal Article
The Travel Behavior of Immigrants and Race/Ethnicity Groups: An Analysis of the 2001 National Household Transportation Survey 2005 Research Report