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UCD-ITS-RR-17-31 Research Report Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS), Electric Vehicle Research Center Download PDF |
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Hardman, Scott, Thomas S. Turrentine, Nicolò Daina, Erik Figenbaum, Dahlia Garas, Patrick Jochem, Sten Karlsson, Denis Naberezhnykh, Jose Pontes, Nazir Refa, Benjamin Sovacool, Frances Sprei, Gil Tal (2017) Driving the Market for Plug-in Vehicles – Understanding Reoccurring Incentives. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-17-31
Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are more efficient and less polluting than internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). For PEVs to have the most significant impact on urban air pollution, energy consumption, and climate change they need to be deployed in large numbers. To achieve this consumers will need to be incentivized for them to purchase them.
This policy guide explores reoccurring incentives for PEVs. It compliments another guide that explores financial purchase incentives. Reoccurring incentives are received by consumers during vehicle ownership opposed to financial purchase incentives which are received at point of sale. Reoccurring incentives can be received at any increment, during any timeframe, and not all consumers use these incentives when they are in place. This policy guide outlines the effectiveness of reoccurring incentives in promoting PEV sales. It describes how these incentives should be utilized to have the greatest impact on PEV sales.