Electric Vehicles and Rooftop Solar Energy: Consumption Values Influencing Decisions and Barriers to Co-adoption in the United States
If You Build It, Will They Notice? Public Charging Density, Charging Infrastructure Awareness, and Consideration to Purchase an Electric Vehicle
Potential Challenges and Research Needs on the Road to 100% Zero Emission Vehicle Sales - A Focus on Plug-in Electric Vehicles
Brief: Impacts of the Federal Tax Credit on the Decision to Lease or Purchase a Plug-in Electric Vehicle
Measuring the Emissions and Socioeconomic Benefits of CARB’s Incentives and Regulatory Programs: The Light-Duty Vehicle Sector Programs
Cars and Chargers in the Country: Rural PEV Owner Accounts of Charging and Travel in California
Identifying Mass Market Adoption in the Transition to Electric Vehicles
Cost Sensitivity and Charging Choices of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Drivers – A Stated Preference Study
Understanding Travel Demand and Built Environment Factors to Optimize Increased Zero Emission Vehicle Access in Underserved Communities
Demand-Side Challenges and Research Needs on the Road to 100% Zero-Emissions Vehicle
Supply-Side Challenges and Research Needs on the Road to 100% Zero-Emissions Vehicle Sales
Social, Technological, and Economic Barriers to Heavy-Duty Truck Electrification