Publication Detail

Brief: Refueling Behavior of California Fuel Cell Vehicle Drivers



Electric Vehicle Research Center, UC ITS Research Reports / Senate Bill 1 (SB1)

Suggested Citation:
Hardman, Scott, Adam Davis, Gil Tal (2022) Brief: Refueling Behavior of California Fuel Cell Vehicle Drivers. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-22-57

California has a goal of reaching 100% zero emission vehicle (ZEV) sales by 2035. Most ZEV sales to date have been plug-in electric vehicles, with fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) making up only around 1% of ZEV sales. The market for FCEVs may be constrained because, unlike plugin electric vehicles, FCEVs need an entirely new refueling infrastructure network. To date, only 48 hydrogen refueling stations are operational in California. This number will need to increase substantially for FCEVs to become a viable option for consumers. Researchers at the University of California, Davis surveyed more than 700 FCEV drivers about their use of hydrogen fueling stations in California to understand consumer preferences and inform the development of future hydrogen infrastructure.