Publication Detail

Exploring the Impact of the Federal Tax Credit and the California Rebate on the Decision to Lease or Purchase a PEV in California


Conference Paper

Electric Vehicle Research Center, National Center for Sustainable Transportation

Suggested Citation:
Hoogland, Kelly, Scott Hardman, Debapriya Chakraborty, Theodora Konstantinou, David S. Bunch (2023) Exploring the Impact of the Federal Tax Credit and the California Rebate on the Decision to Lease or Purchase a PEV in California. EVS36 — 36th Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition

This research explores the impact of the federal tax credit and the California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP), on plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) adoption using stated choice data of PEV owners in California. A novel addition to existing research is the explicit consideration of the impact of incentives on purchasers and lessees, as there is a limited understanding of whether changes to incentive eligibility criteria may affect the PEV lease or purchase market differently. We attempt to fill these gaps by first modelling the impact of the federal tax credit separately for lessees and purchasers. We then combine lessees and purchasers to model the impact of the CVRP, controlling for finance method. All the models control for vehicle and contract characteristics, sociodemographics, and household characteristics. Our findings indicate that the absence of the federal tax credit or CVRP could have an impact on California’s goal of reaching 100% ZEV sales by 2035.

Key words: Logistic regression, Choice modeling, PEV adoption, PEV incentives