Publication Detail
Exploring Factors Related to Future Electric Vehicle Ownership Across Rural California
UCD-ITS-RP-23-65 Conference Paper Electric Vehicle Research Center |
Suggested Citation:
Robinson, Anya, Theodora Konstantinou, Gil Tal (2023) Exploring Factors Related to Future Electric Vehicle Ownership Across Rural California. EVS36 — 36th Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition
Adoption of electric vehicle (EV) technology for passenger vehicles is a crucial step in decarbonizing the transport sector. Understanding how vehicle adoption differs across space in urban and rural areas can assist in addressing equity concerns in planning for this emerging technology. This study aims to examine the heterogeneity of sociodemographic characteristics, vehicle ownership, and travel behavior in rural California. Statistical analyses found that a higher proportion of rural residents are homeowners who are lower income and have lower levels of formal education than urban residents. Rural residents also own a higher proportion of ICEVs, and pickup trucks, and vehicles overall tend to be older. A higher proportion of rural residents have a short commute time and a lower proportion of them take public transit to commute to work. This study has practical implications for policy makers and transportation agencies that can use the findings to inform policies relating to infrastructure needs, energy use, and EV adoption across rural California.
Key words: electric vehicle, rural-urban continuum, heterogeneity, vehicle ownership
Key words: electric vehicle, rural-urban continuum, heterogeneity, vehicle ownership