Publication Detail

Transformational Practices in Cohousing: Enhancing Residents' Connection to Community and Nature


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Sanguinetti, Angela (2014) Transformational Practices in Cohousing: Enhancing Residents' Connection to Community and Nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 86 - 96

Connection to others predicts pro-social behavior and personal well-being. Connection to nature predicts pro-environmental behavior and personal well-being. Cohousing is a residential development intended to enhance residents' connection to others and nature, but systematic study of the transformational practices adopted to promote connection has been lacking. Data from a national survey of cohousers in the US (N = 559) were used to create a typology of cohousing practices; measures of connection to community and nature were regressed on self-reported frequency of participation in the resultant categories of practices. Stewardship of the natural environment and fellowship and culture practices predicted greater connection to nature. Cohousing core, sharing and support, and fellowship and culture practices predicted greater connection to community. The concepts of connection to nature, connection to community, and transformational practices warrant further development in terms of theory and measurement.

Keywords: Cohousing, Intentional community, Connection to nature, Inclusion of other in self, Connection to community