Author Detail

Angela Sanguinetti

Publications (89 records):

Title Year Series

EV Explorer 2.0: An Online Vehicle Cost Calculator for Gig Drivers Considering Going Electric

2024 Conference Paper

Brief: Micromobility and Public Transit Environmental Design Integration

2024 Brief

Using Emerging Mobility Data to Advocate Equitable Micromobility Infrastructure in Underserved Communities

2023 Journal Article
Brief: New Tool for Gig Drivers Considering Going Electric 2023 Brief

Public Transit Station Design to Support Micromobility

2023 Conference Paper
Developing a Vehicle Cost Calculator to Promote Electric Vehicle Adoption Among TNC Drivers 2023 Research Report

Equipping Active Travel Advocates with Digital Mobility Data and Tools: An Evaluation of a US Trial Program

2023 Journal Article
Using Emerging Mobility Data to Advocate Equitable Micromobility Infrastructure in Underserved Communities 2023 Journal Article
Vehicle Design Strategies to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission in Shared and Pooled Travel: Inventory, Typology, and Considerations for Research and Implementation 2023 Journal Article

Integrating Micromobility with Public Transit: A Case Study of the California Bay Area

2023 Research Report
Brief: Electrifying Ridehailing: A Cross-Sector Research Agenda 2022 Brief
Brief: Electrifying Ridehailing: Characteristics and Experiences of Transportation Network Company Drivers Who Adopted Electric Vehicles Ahead of the Curve 2022 Brief
Brief: Electrifying Ridehailing: Segmenting Transportation Network Company Drivers Based on Their Electric Vehicle Charging Practices 2022 Brief
Brief: Electrifying Ridehailing: Drivers’ Charging Practices and Electric Vehicle Characteristics Predict the Intensity of Electric Vehicle Use 2022 Brief
Two (or More) for One: Identifying Classes of Household Energy- and Water-Saving Measures to Understand the Potential for Positive Spillover 2022 Journal Article
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles 2021 Journal Article
Facilitating Electric Vehicle Adoption with Vehicle Cost Calculators 2021 Journal Article
Nudging Consumers Toward Greener Air Travel by Adding Carbon to the Equation in Online Flight Search 2021 Journal Article
The Design of Intentional Communities: A Recycled Perspective on Sustainable Neighborhoods 2021 Journal Article
More room for cohousing in the United States: Understanding diffusion potential by exploring who knows about, who likes, and who would consider living in cohousing 2021 Journal Article
Cohousing By Any Other Name: A Framing Study Exploring Ideological Barriers to Adoption of Collectivist Housing Options 2021 Journal Article
Positive Reinforcement Is Just the Beginning: Associative Learning Principles for Energy Efficiency and Climate Sustainability 2021 Journal Article
Residential Solar Water Heating: California Adopters and Their Experiences 2021 Journal Article
Bringing Behavior-Analytic Theory to Eco-driving Research: Verbal Rules Mediate the Effectiveness of Feedback for Professional and Civilian Drivers 2021 Journal Article

Environmental Design for Micromobility and Public Transit

2021 Research Report
Pooled and Shared Travel in the Wake of the Pandemic: An Inventory and User and Expert Assessments of Vehicle Design Strategies to Mitigate Risk of Disease Transmission 2021 Research Report
Practitioner Guide: An Inventory of Vehicle Design Strategies Aimed at Reducing COVID-19 Transmission in Public and Private Pooled and Shared Transportation 2021 Research Report

Facilitating Micromobility For First And Last Mile Connection With Public Transit Through Environmental Design: A Case Study Of California Bay Area Rapid Transit Stations

2021 Journal Article
Connected thermostats for low income households: Insights from user testing 2020 Journal Article
Beyond Curtailment and Efficiency: Identifying Household Energy and Water Saving Measure Classes 2020 Journal Article
Towards a Better Understanding of Non-Energy Impacts Associated with Residential Energy Retrofit Projects 2020 Journal Article
Use cases and best practices for map-based energy data visualizations 2020 Journal Article
Improving Ventilation and Indoor Environmental Quality in California K-12 Schools 2020 Research Report
Adding Carbon to the Equation in Online Flight Search 2020 Research Report
Farmers Markets As Restorative Environments 2020 Journal Article
Ventilation rates in California classrooms: Why many recent HVAC retrofits are not delivering sufficient ventilation 2020 Journal Article
Of Impacts, Agents, and Functions: An Interdisciplinary Meta-Review of Smart Home Energy Management Systems Research 2020 Journal Article
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Plug-in Electric Vehicles 2020 Research Report
Facilitating Electric Vehicle Adoption with Vehicle Cost Calculators 2020 Research Report
Brief: Emissions Information Can Prompt Travelers to Purchase Greener Flights 2020 Brief
Brief: Best Practices for Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator User Interfaces 2020 Brief
Average impact and important features of onboard eco-driving feedback: A meta-analysis 2020 Journal Article
Designing Robo-Taxis to Promote Ride-Pooling 2020 Journal Article
Policy Brief: Vehicle Design May Be Critical to Encourage Ride-Pooling in Shared Automated Vehicles 2019 Brief
Brief: EV Explorer: Educating and Persuading Consumers with an OnlineVehicle Energy Cost Calculator 2019 Brief
Is It OK to Get in a Car with a Stranger? Risks and Benefits of Ride-pooling in Shared Automated Vehicles 2019 Research Report
Electrical Energy Storage and Energy Management System for the Sustainable City in Dubai 2019 Research Report
Solar Water Heating Assessment Project: Understanding and Improving Effectiveness for California Households 2019 Research Report
Policy Brief: Average Impact and Key Features of Onboard Eco-Driving Feedback 2019 Brief
Developer-driven sustainable communities: lessons from a case study of The Sustainable City in Dubai 2019 Journal Article
Aligning Occupant Behavior with ZNE Community Goals and Assumptions: Quantifying and Leveraging Behavioral Plasticity 2018 Journal Article
Smart home products with energy management implications: Characterizing and comparing adoption, experiences, and outcomes 2018 Journal Article
Keeping track to stay on track for zero net energy: Modeling building and end use consumption targets for a ZNE community 2018 Journal Article
Not your average energy feedback: A public tangible display in a zero-net energy office 2018 Journal Article
Smart Home Energy Management: Use Cases and Savings Opportunities 2018 Journal Article
Promoting a Culture Of Sustainability in The Sustainable City: Identifying and Adapting Best Practices 2018 Research Report
Home energy management (HEM) database: A list with coded attributes of 308 devices commercially available in the US 2018 Brief
Information, timing, and display: A design-behavior framework for improving the effectiveness of eco-feedback 2018 Journal Article
Using social dynamics to explain uptake in energy saving measures: Lessons from space conditioning interventions in Japan and California 2018 Journal Article
What’s energy management got to do with it? Exploring the role of energy management in the smart home adoption process 2018 Journal Article
Understanding the path to smart home adoption: Segmenting and describing consumers across the innovation-decision process 2018 Journal Article
Onboard Feedback to Promote Eco-Driving: Average Impact and Important Features 2018 Research Report
Categories and functionality of smart home technology for energy management 2017 Journal Article
Smart home consumers: Comparing self-reported and observed attitudes 2017 Journal Article
The Many Reasons Your Mileage May Vary: Toward a Unifying Typology of Eco-Driving Behaviors 2017 Journal Article
Electric Vehicle Explorer: Educating  and Persuading Consumers with an Online Vehicle Energy Cost Calculator 2017 Journal Article
Upscaling Participatory Thermal Sensing: Lessons from an Interdisciplinary Case Study at University of California for Improving Campus Efficiency and Comfort 2017 Journal Article
A Review of Psychosocial and Interpersonal Determinants of Sexuality in Older Adulthood 2017 Journal Article
Occupant Thermal Feedback for Improved Efficiency in University Buildings 2017 Journal Article
GreenFLY: Adding Carbon to the Equation in Online Flight Searches 2017 Journal Article

EcoTrips: Leveraging Co-benefits and Metaphorical Metrics in a Mobile App to Promote Walking and Biking for Short Trips

2017 Conference Paper
Leveraging Multiple Methods to See the Big Picture 2017 Journal Article
A Typology of In-Vehicle Eco-Driving Feedback 2017 Journal Article
Smarter Together? A Stakeholder Analysis of Perspectives on Home Energy Management 2017 Journal Article
How Do Small Businesses Experience Energy Reports? 2016 Journal Article
Assessing Players, Products, and Perceptions of Home Energy Management 2016 Journal Article
The Iterative Design of a University Energy Dashboard 2016 Journal Article
TherMOOstat: Occupant Feedback to Improve Comfort and Efficiency on a University Campus 2016 Journal Article
EV Explorer: Evaluating a Vehicle Information Tool 2016 Working Paper
OBDEnergy: Making Metrics Meaningful in Eco-driving Feedback 2015 Journal Article
NCST White Paper: Actual Results May Vary: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers 2015 Research Report
Diversifying Cohousing: The Retrofit Model 2015 Journal Article
Diffusion of Feedback: Perceptions and Adoption of Devices in the Residential Market 2015 Journal Article
Characterization and Potential of Home Energy Management (HEM) Technology 2015 Journal Article
NCST Policy Brief: "Actual Results May Vary": A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving Research for Policy Makers 2015 Research Report
Transformational Practices in Cohousing: Enhancing Residents' Connection to Community and Nature 2014 Journal Article
Functional Analysis of Labeling Acts of Sexual Violence: a Commentary on Sasson and Paul 2014 Journal Article
Dimensions of Conservation: Exploring Differences Among Energy Behaviors 2012 Journal Article
Functional Assessment of Drug Trafficking Terms: A Substantive and Methodological Expansion of a Verbal Behavior Research Program 2011 Journal Article