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An Overview of Costs for Vehicle Components, Fuels, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Total Cost of Ownership Update 2017


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

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Suggested Citation:
Fries, Michael, Mathias Kerler, Stephan Rohr, Stephan Schickram, Michael Sinning, Markus Lienkamp (2017) An Overview of Costs for Vehicle Components, Fuels, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Total Cost of Ownership Update 2017. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-17-45

This paper gives an overview of prices for components of both conventional and electric vehicles, including energy storage, drivetrain as well as interior and exterior vehicle body components. In particular, prices for electric vehicle traction battery packs are analysed, which are estimated to drop remarkably until 2030. In addition, fuel and electricity prices with projections until 2030 are given for important automotive markets. Furthermore passenger cars and commercial vehicles are taken into account. The calculation assumptions for a TCO calculation in the long haul sector are displayed in a showcase for a diesel semi-trailer tractor unit.

All costs are based on data found in various literature sources, including experts’ opinions. The purpose is to provide a common data basis as a reference point of discussion which is subject to continuous adjustments and improvement. The data itself can be used in order to perform calculations for passenger vehicles and to produce comparable cost estimations.