Publication Detail

Communicating Science to Policymakers: Six Strategies for Success


Journal Article

Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy

Suggested Citation:
Safford, Hannah and Austin Brown (2019) Communicating Science to Policymakers: Six Strategies for Success. Nature 572, 681 - 682

Scientists can improve how they inform politicians and other policymakers on how to make decisions. Suggestions for effective communications are:
1. Know who you want to reach.
2. Have clear and actionable recommendations.
3. Repackage your work (present information in a format that makes it accessible and understandable to the target audience--likely different from the format of a peer-reviewed journal article).
4. Write well (i.e., with clear organization, brevity, and clarity).
5. Pick you moment (strategically choose when to communicate).
6. Sustain and amplify your engagement. 

Keywords: science communication, policy