Publication Detail

Brief: Minimizing the Impact of Freight Traffic on Disadvantaged Communities



Suggested Citation:
Jaller, Miguel and Anmol Pahwa (2022) Brief: Minimizing the Impact of Freight Traffic on Disadvantaged Communities. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-22-26

This research brief summarizes findings from the project and report titled, "Cargo Routing and Disadvantaged Communities." In the project, the authors assessed whether eco-routing of freight traffic can improve transportation sustainability, and studied the cost-benefit trade-off for a carrier accounting for emissions in its routing decisions. They also explored geofencing as a tool to protect disadvantaged communities from freight traffic impacts. The authors developed advanced routing tools to understand the effects of eco-routing in the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region, and the implementation of geographically constrained management strategies. 

Key words: Eco-routing, multi-criteria traffic assignment, origin-based traffic assignment, TAPAS, geofencing