Publication Detail

Brief: Evaluating Pilot Approaches to Increase Rural Mobility



National Center for Sustainable Transportation, 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program

Suggested Citation:
Rodier, Caroline J., Brian Harold, Yunwan Zhang (2022) Brief: Evaluating Pilot Approaches to Increase Rural Mobility. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-22-76

People who live in rural areas in California face unique transportation challenges due to long travel distances, infrequent transit service, the cost of car ownership, and limited access to app-based rideshare services that are common in more populated urban centers. Over the past eight years, UC Davis has partnered with the eight San Joaquin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations to identify and support development of three innovative mobility pilot concepts for the region.
Researchers at the University of California, Davis evaluated these three pilot programs using survey and service usage data collected from their launch dates in 2019 and 2020 through November 2021 to understand the participant characteristics and outcomes of each pilot. This policy brief summarizes the key findings from that research.