Author Detail

Caroline Jane Rodier (

University of California, Davis

Publications (108 records):

Title Year Series

Brief: Preparing for Future Airborne Pandemics: Lessons Learned from a Los Angeles Travel Case Study

2024 Brief

A Survey of Universal Basic Mobility Programs and Pilots in the United States

2024 Research Report

Brief: Universal Basic Mobility May Spark New Shared Mobility Markets in Underserved Communities

2024 Brief
Effectiveness of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions to Avert the Second Covid-19 Surge in Los Angeles County: A Simulation Study 2023 Research Report
The Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Center City Parking 2023 Journal Article
How Can Automated Vehicles Increase Access to Marginalized Populations and Reduce Congestion, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions? A Case Study in the City of Los Angeles 2022 Research Report
Challenges and Opportunities for Publicly Funded Electric Vehicle Carsharing 2022 Research Report
Brief: Publicly Funded Electric Carsharing Services Can Reduce Emissions and Expand Transportation Access, but They Need More Study 2022 Brief
Brief: Simulating the Effects of Shared Automated Vehicles and Benefits to Low-Income Communities in Los Angeles 2022 Brief
Results of Rancho Cordova “Free $5 to Ride” Ridehailing Discount Coupon Program 2022 Research Report
The Central Valley Initiative 2022 Research Report
A Before and After Evaluation of Shared Mobility Projects in the San Joaquin Valley 2022 Research Report
Brief: Evaluating Pilot Approaches to Increase Rural Mobility 2022 Brief
Retrospective User Survey for a Rural Electric Vehicle Carsharing Pilot in California’s Central Valley 2022 Research Report
Brief: Rural Electric Vehicle Carsharing is Improving Household Mobility and Reducing Reliance on Personal Vehicles 2022 Brief
Early Results from an Electric Vehicle Carsharing Service in Rural Disadvantaged Communities in the San Joaquin Valley 2021 Research Report
Fighting for Curb Space: Parking, Ride-Hailing, Urban Freight Deliveries, and Other Users 2021 Research Report
Improving Spatial Surrogates for Area Source Emissions Inventories in California 2021 Journal Article
Brief: Electric Vehicle Carsharing is Helping to Fill Transit Gaps and Improve Mobility in Rural California 2021 Brief
Brief: Shared-Use Mobility Services Can Improve Access and Reduce Costs in Rural Disadvantaged Communities 2020 Brief
Brief: Automated Vehicles are Expected to Increase Driving and Emissions Without Policy Intervention 2020 Brief
Brief: Ride-Hailing Holds Promise for Facilitating More Transit Use in the San Francisco Bay Area 2020 Brief
The Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Center City Parking Demand 2020 Research Report
Active Transportation and Community Health Impacts of Automated Vehicle Scenarios: An Integration of the San Francisco Bay Area Activity Based Travel Demand Model and the Integrated Transport and Health Impacts Model (ITHIM) 2020 Journal Article
Health Impact Assessment of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in San Francisco, Bay Area 2020 Journal Article
Brief: The Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Center City Parking Demand, Congestion, and Emissions 2020 Brief
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Novel Access Modes: A Case Study in the San Francisco Bay Area 2020 Journal Article
The Potential for Autonomous Vehicle Technologies to Address Barriers to Driving for Individuals with Autism 2020 Journal Article
Policy Brief: The Effects of Ride-Hailing Services on Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2019 Brief
Brief: Exploring Unintended Environmental and Social Equity Consequences of Transit-Oriented Development 2019 Brief
Brief: Impacts of Land-Use Mix on Passenger Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2019 Brief
Simulation-Optimization Framework to Evaluate a Sustainable First Mile Transit Access Program Using Shared Mobility 2019 Journal Article
Competition among Automated Taxis, Transit, and Conventional Passenger Vehicles: Traffic Effects in the San Francisco Bay Area 2019 Journal Article
Estimating Activity and Health Impacts of First and Last Mile Transit Access Programs for Work and Shopping Trips Using Sharing Mobility Services in the Metropolitan Area 2019 Journal Article
Designing Streets for Autonomous Vehicles 2019 Conference Paper
Travel Effects and Associated Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Automated Vehicles 2018 Research Report
NCST White Paper: The Effects of Ride Hailing Services on Travel and Associated Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2018 Research Report
Cruising and On-Street Parking Pricing: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis of Measured Parking Search Time and Distance in San Francisco 2018 Journal Article
Automated Vehicle Scenarios: Simulation of System-Level Travel Effects Using Agent-Based Demand and Supply Models in the San Francisco Bay Area 2018 Research Report
Brief: Travel Effects and Associated Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Automated Vehicles 2018 Brief
Autonomous Vehicles and the Built Environment: Exploring the Impacts on Different Urban Contexts 2018 Journal Article
Opportunities for Shared-Use Mobility Services in Rural Disadvantaged Communities in California's San Joaquin Valley: Existing Conditions and Conceptual Program Development 2017 Research Report
The Potential for Shared Use Mobility in Affordable Housing Complexes in Rural California 2017 Research Report
NCST Research Report: Simulation of Ridesourcing Using Agent-Based Demand and Supply Regional Models: Potential Market Demand for First-Mile Transit Travel and Reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled in the San Francisco Bay Area 2017 Research Report
Keeping Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Check in a Driverless Vehicle World 2017 Research Report
Dynamic Ridesharing: Exploration of Potential for Reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled 2016 Journal Article
Transit Performance Measures in California 2016 Research Report
Exploring Unintended Environmental and Social-Equity Consequences of Transit Oriented Development 2015 Research Report
Envisioning Automated Vehicles within the Built Environment: 2020, 2035, and 2050 2015 Conference Paper
Synergistic Interactions of Dynamic Ridesharing and Battery Electric Vehicles Land Use, Transit, and Auto Pricing Policies 2015 Research Report
Achieving Reductions in Greenhouse Gases in the U.S. Road Transportation Sector 2014 Journal Article
Impacts of Land-Use Mix on Passenger Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2014 Journal Article
The Effects of Demand Management on Commercial Vehicle Travel 2013 Presentation Series
Synergistic Effects of Transit, Land Use, and Vehicle Pricing Policies on Vehicle Travel and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013 Research Report
An Economic and Life Cycle Analysis of Regional Land Use and Transportation Plans 2012 Journal Article
EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at the Pleasant Hill BART Transit Oriented Development 2010 Research Report
An Evaluation of the Consequences and Effectiveness of Using Highway Changeable Message Signs for Safety Campaigns 2010 Research Report
Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Solutions 2010 Research Report
Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California 2010 Research Report
A Review of the International Modeling Literature: Transit, Land Use, and Auto Pricing Strategies to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2009 Research Report
Equity Analysis of Land Use and Transport Plans Using an Integrated Spatial Model 2009 Research Report
Travel Behavior of Immigrant Groups in California 2009 Journal Article
Low-Speed Modes Linked to Public Transit Field Test Results 2008 Research Report
Smart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration: Final Report 2008 Research Report
EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project 2008 Research Report
A Review of the International Modeling Literature: Transit, Land Use, and Auto Pricing Strategies to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Research Report
Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California 2008 Research Report
Video Transit Training for Older Travelers: A Case Study of the Rossmoor Senior Adult Community, California 2007 Research Report
Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues 2007 Journal Article
Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Possible Technology-Based Solutions 2007 Research Report
Automated Speed Enforcement in the U.S.: A Review of the Literature on Benefits and Barriers to Implementation 2007 Research Report
Travel of Diverse Populations: Literature Review 2007 Research Report
Commercial Vehicle Parking In California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Possible Technology-Based Solutions 2007 Research Report
Automated Speed Enforcement for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues 2007 Research Report
Beyond Uncertainty: Modeling Transportation, Land Use, and Air Quality in Planning 2007 Research Report
EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project 2006 Journal Article
Transit-Based Smart Parking in the U.S.: Behavioral Analysis of San Francisco Bay Area Field Test 2006 Research Report
Virtual Commercial Vehicle Control Stations for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues 2005 Journal Article
Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues 2005 Research Report
EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at Transit Oriented Developments 2005 Research Report
Transit-Based Smart Parking: Early Field Test Results 2005 Research Report
Verifying the Accuracy of Land Use Models Used in Transportation and Air Quality: A Case Study in the Sacramento, California Region 2005 Research Report
Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area: An Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects 2005 Journal Article
Smart Parking Management Pilot Project: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration 2005 Research Report
Virtual Commercial Vehicle Control Stations for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues 2005 Research Report
Applying Integrated ITS Technologies to Parking Management Systems: A Transit-Based Case Study in the San Francisco Bay Area 2004 Research Report
Travel Effects of a Suburban Commuter-Carsharing Service: A Carlink Case Study 2004 Research Report
A Multi-Objective Analysis of Regional Transportation and Land Development Policies 2004 Research Report
Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and Other Low-Speed Mobility Devices 2004 Research Report
Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area: An Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects 2004 Research Report
A Review of the Representation of Induced Highway Travel in Current Travel and Land Use Models 2004 Research Report
Carlink II: A Commuter Carsharing Pilot Program Final Report 2004 Research Report
Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) district Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and other Low Speed Mobility Devices 2004 Research Report
Unsafe at Any Speed?: What the Literature Says about Low-Speed Modes 2003 Research Report
Carsharing and Carfree Housing: Predicted Travel, Emission, and Economic Benefits: A Case Study of the Sacramento, California Region 2003 Research Report
University of California, Davis Long-Range Development Plan: A Davis Smart Mobility Model 2003 Journal Article
Heuristic Policy Analysis of Regional Land Use, Transit, and Travel Pricing Scenarios Using Two Urban Models 2002 Journal Article
A comparison of highway and travel demand management alternatives using an integrated land use and transportation model in the Sacramento region 2002 Research Report
Uncertainty in Travel and Emissions Models: A Case Study in the Sacramento Region 2000 Research Report
Automated Highways: Effects on Travel, Emissions, and Traveler Welfare 1999 Journal Article
Evaluation of Advanced Transit Alternatives using Consumer Welfare 1998 Journal Article
Consumer Welfare Effects and Other Impacts of Travel Demand Management Measures 1997 Research Report
A Comparative Systems-Level Analysis: Automated Freeways, HOV Lanes, Transit Expansion, Pricing Policies and Land Use Intensification 1997 Research Report
Travel, Emissions, and Welfare Effects of Travel Demand Management Measures 1997 Journal Article
Incentives for Local Governments to Implement Travel Demand Management Measures 1997 Journal Article
Travel, Emissions, and Consumer Benefits of Advanced Transit Technologies in the Sacramento Region 1996 Research Report
Regional Simulations of Highway and Transit ITS: Travel, Emissions, and Economic Welfare Effects 1996 Presentation Series
Critique of Metropolitan Planning Organizations' Capabilities for Modeling Transportation Control Measures in California 1995 Journal Article