Publication Detail

The Potential for Shared Use Mobility in Affordable Housing Complexes in Rural California


Research Report

National Center for Sustainable Transportation, UC ITS Publications, 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program

Suggested Citation:
Pike, Susan, Caroline J. Rodier, Jose Martinez (2017) The Potential for Shared Use Mobility in Affordable Housing Complexes in Rural California. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-17-17

A survey of low income residents at affordable housing complexes in the San Joaquin Valley of California was conducted to explore unmet transportation needs, willingness to use shared use mobility services, the potential for such services to reduce household vehicles and parking spaces, and awareness of public financial incentive programs to reduce vehicle emissions in the valley. Our analysis of the survey results suggests the following conclusions.

  1. Survey respondents successfully marshal their limited transportation resources to travel to activities that are essential to the current or future economic wellbeing of their households. Only 12% of respondents reported that they missed work, 6% missed college/continuing education, and 4% missed K-12 school within the last week due to a lack of transportation. However, many indicate that their transportation resources are not sufficient to sustain travel necessary for physical and emotional health. About 80% of respondents indicated that lack of transportation limits their ability to get medical attention, travel to their preferred grocery store, and visit friends and family.
  2. Analysis of the use of respondents’ current vehicles and stated willingness to use ridesourcing and carsharing services suggests strong potential to reduce parking, perhaps by as much as 25%, if such services where made available. Respondents indicated that 13% of reported vehicles are never used, 2% are used once a month or less, 6% are used a few times a month, and 5% are used about once a week. Stated demand for carsharing and ridesourcing services ranged from 25% to 50% for work, higher education, and K-12 travel and is about 70% for shopping, health care travel, and household errands.
  3. Barriers to using carsharing and ridesourcing services include lack or credit cards and bank accounts and linguistic isolation. Only 59% of respondents have a bank account, 42% have a credit card, and 47% speak only Spanish.
  4. Survey respondents lack knowledge about public incentive programs aimed at reducing vehicles emissions in the San Joaquin Valley. Outreach and education programs should be expanded to inform low-income communities about these programs.

Keywords: transit, shared mobility, disadvantaged communities, social equity, rural, survey, travel behavior

A Research Report from the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies