Publication Detail

Travel, Emissions, and Consumer Benefits of Advanced Transit Technologies in the Sacramento Region


Research Report

Urban Land Use and Transportation Center

Suggested Citation:
Johnston, Robert A. and Caroline J. Rodier (1996) Travel, Emissions, and Consumer Benefits of Advanced Transit Technologies in the Sacramento Region. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-96-18

The travel and emissions effects of advanced transit technologies, including advanced transit information, demand responsive transit, and personal rapid transit, were simulated in the Sacramento region for a twenty year time horizon with a state-of-the-practice regional travel demand model (SACMET 95). Total consumer welfare and consumer welfare by income class with and without capital, operation, and maintenance costs were also obtained for these technology scenarios by applying the Small and Rosen method (1981) to the mode choice models in SACMET 95. We found that the advanced transit technologies, which were simulated in this study to act as feeder service for light rail transit, did not significantly reduce congestion and emissions in the region. This was primarily because the Sacramento region lacks extensive penetration by light rail service. Our consumer welfare evaluation showed that all the advanced transit technology scenarios were beneficial and generally equitable, even when capital, operation, and maintenance costs were included in the analysis. However, the analysis showed that advanced transit information service alone produced the greatest increase in consumer welfare; that is, the addition of demand responsive transit and personal rapid transit service to the advanced transit information scenario tended to reduce consumer welfare benefits. The total yearly difference in benefits between the scenarios would be significant. We conclude that the method of obtaining consumer welfare used in this study is a useful analytical tool for identifying optimal bundles of ITS technologies.