Publication Detail
Field Based Model for Pedestrian Dynamics
UCD-ITS-RP-18-97 Journal Article |
Suggested Citation:
Yu, Bin, Michael Zhang, Zhongren Wang (2018) Field Based Model for Pedestrian Dynamics. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
A pedestrian's physical movement is simulated as a response to the pedestrian subjective evaluation of the objective environment. The objective environment is modeled by presumed fields statically or dynamically superposed. Regulation functions, which consider not only force caused by presumed fields but also local crowd densities around pedestrians, are introduced for consideration of pedestrians' intelligence. Numerical experiments indicate that the model can be calibrated to reproduce a fundamental diagram that matches an empirical one proposed by Weidmann. Such experiments prove the model to be a useful tool for study of pedestrian dynamics.
Key words: traffic and crown dynamic, traffic models, nonlinear dynamics
Key words: traffic and crown dynamic, traffic models, nonlinear dynamics