Publication Detail

Platoon Management With Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Enabled by VANET


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Amoozadeh, Mani, Hui Deng, Chen-Nee Chuah, Michael Zhang, Dipak Ghosal (2015) Platoon Management With Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Enabled by VANET. Vehicular Communications 2 (2), 110 - 123

Previous studies have shown the ability of vehicle platooning to improve highway safety and throughput. With Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) system, vehicle platooning with small headway becomes feasible. In this paper, we developed a platoon management protocol for CACC vehicles based on wireless communication through VANET. This protocol includes three basic platooning maneuvers and a set of micro-commands to accomplish these maneuvers. Various platooning operations such as vehicle entry and vehicle (including platoon leader) leaving can be captured by these basic platoon maneuvers. The protocol operation is described in detail using various Finite State Machines (FSM), and can be applied in collaborative driving and intelligent highway systems. This protocol is implemented in an integrated simulation platform, VENTOS, which is developed based on SUMO and OMNET++. The validity and effectiveness of our approach is shown by means of simulations, and different platooning setting are calibrated.

Key words: platoon management, CACC, VANET, micro-command