Publication Detail

Quantifying the Impacts of Sustainable City Logistics Measures in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Jaller, Miguel, Sergio Sánchez, Joanne Green, Magdalena Fandiño (2016) Quantifying the Impacts of Sustainable City Logistics Measures in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Transportation Research Procedia 12

This paper discusses the assessment of the potential impacts of a number of city logistics measures proposed for the Metropolitan Area of the Mexico City Valley: off-hour delivery programs; policies and agreements to increase cargo consolidation and decrease empty trips; and the implementation of preferential truck routes. The analyses consider the impacts on travel distances, travel times, accidents, emissions and health impacts. In doing so, the authors discuss the proposed measures, the assumptions used to estimate the impacts, and the information required. Different scenarios are evaluated for the various measures.

Key words: empty trips, off-hour deliveries, preferential truck routes, emissions, congestions, health impacts