Publication Detail

Utilization and Customer Behavior: Smart Choices for the Smart Grid


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Jessoe, Katrina, David Rapson, Jeremy Smith (2016) Utilization and Customer Behavior: Smart Choices for the Smart Grid. Smart Grid Handbook

The smart grid offers a wide array of opportunities to improve efficiency of the electricity grid via load management policies. This chapter reviews the current state of knowledge in the economics literature as it relates to time-varying pricing and to behavioral interventions, which together comprise a large portion of regulators' policy choice set. The authors present evidence that consumers respond to financial incentives, but that these are not the only determinants of behavior. For example, consumers are often uninformed and inattentive, and they exhibit a tendency to respond to certain nonmonetary factors in addition to monetary incentives. The authors conclude that time-varying pricing is an effective and essential policy instrument, while instruments designed to boost customer attentiveness and allow households to become better informed about their energy use play an important complementary role. Smart meters are crucial in making such a policy package feasible. The power of randomized experimental designs, which underlie much of the evidence that is presented, is also discussed. The authors highlight the important areas for future research and recommend that such future research efforts continue to leverage randomized designs.

Key words:
time-varying pricing, time of use pricing, critical peak pricing, social norms, smart grid, smart meters, randomized design.