Publication Detail

Using GIS to Estimate Unpaved Road Miles and Vehicle Activity on Unpaved Roads (Volume II)


Research Report

Suggested Citation:
Niemeier, Debbie A., Thirayoot Limanond, K. Lakshminarayanan, Jennifer Morey, Joel P. Franklin (1999) Using GIS to Estimate Unpaved Road Miles and Vehicle Activity on Unpaved Roads (Volume II). Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-99-03

This document describes the GIS analysis techniques used to extract data, perform spatial analysis, and display results for the purposes of estimating unpaved road miles and vehicle activity. It is the companion document to Volume I, "An Exploratory Study: A New Methodology for Estimating Unpaved Road Miles and Vehicle Activity on Unpaved Roads." Both Arc/INFO and ArcView software were used. Arc/INFO was used mostly to perform spatial analysis, while ArcView was used to extract and update data, and to display results. Without the use of the GIS and GIS databases, this research would be intensively time consuming if not infeasible.

Volume II is organized into four sections. Following the introduction, five main goals of using the GIS for this study are specified in Section 2. Section 3, "Data Collection and Preparation" describes the GIS coverages required for our GIS analysis. Section 4, "Methodologies" explains how the five main goals stated in Section 2 were implemented using the GIS.