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Bicycle Journey-to-Work: Travel Behavior Characteristics Spatial Attributes


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Shafizadeh, Kevan R. and Debbie A. Niemeier (1997)

Bicycle Journey-to-Work: Travel Behavior Characteristics Spatial Attributes

. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-97-38

Presented at the Transportation Research Board 76th Annual Meeting, January 12 - 16, 1997

This research explores the relationship between the demographic and spatial attributes of individuals making a weekday bicycle journey-to-work commute and their commute travel time. The research is conducted using data from a 1993 bicycle intercept survey distributed in Seattle, Washington, in which individual bicycle travel behavior characteristics were collected. The data includes socio-economic information, such as age, gender and income. The results indicate that three common factors associated with travel—age, gender,and income—may play unexpected roles in the length of bicycle commute travel times for the journey-to-work trips. This research also suggests that separated bicycle paths play an integral part of the overall bicycle transportation network. Statistical analysis has also shown that the cyclists traveling primarily on separated paths tend to make significantly longer trips.