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Redefining the Market: Six Emerging Markets for Small Electric Vehicles


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Suggested Citation:
Turrentine, Thomas S. (1996) Redefining the Market: Six Emerging Markets for Small Electric Vehicles. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-96-28

Proceedings of the 1996 NAEVI meeting, San Diego, CA

Conventional wisdom is that the market for mini-electric vehicles (EVs) is minimal and not profitable. However, there are changes in the global auto market, such as rapidly developing international markets in very dense urban areas, new technology, changing demographics, new city planning, regulatory forces and consumer enthusiasm for certain electric vehicle attributes that may prove the conventional wisdom wrong. There are several emerging market places for practical use of small electric vehicles which have been identified and are being characterized and measured by researchers at the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California at Davis. These markets include taxi services and emerging middle class buyers in high density urban areas of rapidly developing countries, residents of gated communities, resorts, retirement towns, and new cities, urban electric vehicle markets in medium density cities of developed economies, neighborhood electric vehicles for multi-vehicle households, and station cars for mass transit systems.