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Segmentation and Size of the Market for Battery Powered and Hybrid Electric Vehicles in California: A Diary Based Survey of New Car Buyers in California


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Suggested Citation:
Turrentine, Thomas S. and Kenneth S. Kurani (1994) Segmentation and Size of the Market for Battery Powered and Hybrid Electric Vehicles in California: A Diary Based Survey of New Car Buyers in California. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-94-28

Proceedings, the 12th International Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS-12). Vol. 1, Sessions 1A-2D

We report findings from a recent survey of California households who buy new cars. This study is designed to predict and explore the potential market for alternative fueled vehicles with special emphasis on electric vehicles (EVs). Based on preliminary results from the first 175 returned surveys, we find a much larger market for EVs than have many previous surveys. This finding is attributed to the sophisticated survey design based upon two years of preliminary research into understanding EV market barriers. The most important of these barriers is consumers' lack of understanding of the impact of limited range and home recharging on their lifestyles. If our final results are borne out by the initial findings presented here, then enough new car-buying households in California would choose to buy EVs to meet the 1998 ZEV sales mandates. We expect 450 completed returns and will update and expand our results at the time of the conference in December 1994.