Publication Detail

Data Needs for Evolving Motor Vehicle Emission Modeling Approaches


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Guensler, Randall L. (1993) Data Needs for Evolving Motor Vehicle Emission Modeling Approaches. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Journal Article UCD-ITS-RP-93-16

After describing the current emission modeling regime, the paper identifies and discusses the major problems with the existing emission modeling approaches. The current short-term modeling improvement programs of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board are discussed. The paper then outlines the three long-term modeling improvement approaches that are currently being investigated by regulatory agencies: a multiple-cycle method, an engine map approach, and a modal modeling technique. Finally, the vehicle activity and emission rate data needs for each modeling approach (both for model development and implementation) are described.
Published in Transportation Planning and Air Quality II, ed. Paul Benson, American Society of Civil Engineers.