Publication Detail

Comparison of Advanced Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles


Presentation Series

Suggested Citation:
Dickinson, Blake E., David H. Swan, Thomas R. Lalk (1993) Comparison of Advanced Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper Series (931789)

Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers Future Transportation Technology Conference, SP-984

Battery technologies of different chemistries, manufacture and geometry were evaluated as candidates for use in Electric Vehicles (EVs). The candidate batteries that were evaluated include four single cell and seven multi-cell modules representing four technologies; Lead-Acid, Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hydride and Zinc-Bromide. A standard set of testing procedures for electric vehicle batteries, based on industry accepted testing procedures, and any tests which were specific to individual battery types were used in the evaluations. The batteries were evaluated by conducting performance tests, and by subjecting them to cyclical loading, using a computer controlled charge discharge cycler, to simulate typical EV driving cycles.

Criteria for comparison of batteries were: performance, projected vehicle range, cost, and applicability to various types of EVs. The four battery technologies have individual strengths and weaknesses and each is suited to fill a particular application. None of the batteries tested can fill every EV application.