Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility of Rice Hull Ash From Electricity Generation as a Mineral Additive to Concrete
Uncertainty in Determining Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Biochar
Disproportionate Impacts of Building Materials Production Facilities on Neighboring Communities
Varying Aggregate Sizes, Plasticizers, and Supplementary Cementitious Materials to Efficiently Use Portland Clinker in Concrete
Compressive Strength and Regional Supply Implications of Rice Straw and Rice Hull Ashes Used as Supplementary Cementitious Materials
The Unaccounted-for Climate Costs of Materials
Combined Cement and Steel Recycling Could Cut CO2 Emissions
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Cement and Alternatives in the Anthropocene
Environmental and Economic Impacts of Processing Rice Straw With Water for Energy and Coproducts
A Framework for Considering Resource Availability, Experimental Performance, and Environmental Impacts to Advance Alternative Mineral Admixtures
Parameters Driving Concrete Carbonation at its End-of-Life for Direct Air Capture in Transportation Projects
The Climate Benefits From Cement Carbonation Are Being Overestimated