Publication Detail

Policy Mechanisms to Decarbonize Cement Production: Through the Lens of California


Journal Article

Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy

Suggested Citation:
Busch, Pablo, Alyson Kim, Colin Murphy, Sabbie Miller (2025)

Policy Mechanisms to Decarbonize Cement Production: Through the Lens of California

. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability

Cement production is a large global industry that is a significant source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, from both energy-derived and chemical-derived sources. Cement is crucial for concrete, the most widely used building material. There are growing pushes for policies that encourage cement production with net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Effective policymaking requires understanding the barriers to adoption of emission-lowering strategies, the existing policy framework, and potential regulations for emission reduction. In this work, we examine these parameters within the context of California's recent net-zero emissions cement bill, SB 596, focusing on six key decarbonization strategies. We highlight key barriers for these mechanisms and policy strategies that could support a transition to lower emissions. Some crucial actions are public procurement and removal of prescriptive design codes to create a marketplace for novel cements; refine models and conduct pilot projects to study novel formulation performance, durability and costs; and increase awareness with education and communication campaigns directed at stakeholders. Policy actions can be replicated in other regions that will design net-zero emissions policies.

Key words:

climate policy, cement, greenhoue gas emissions, regulation, incentives, decarbonization