Publication Detail

Optimal Design of a Financially Sustainable HOT Network


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Center, Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS)

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Suggested Citation:
Fan, Yueyue and Raghavender Palavadi Naga (2010) Optimal Design of a Financially Sustainable HOT Network . Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-10-40

A number of demand management strategies are being considered to counter the rapid growth in transportation related problems such as traffic congestion, air quality and increasing operating costs. One of the most recent of these strategies directed towards congestion alleviation is the implementation of High Occupancy/ Toll (HOT) lanes. HOT lanes combine the concepts of congestion pricing and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes by offering Single Occupant Vehicles (SOVs) priced access to the carpool (HOV) lanes. These lanes, thus, provide an opportunity to use both price and vehicle occupancy as means for managing traffic as opposed to the HOV lane where only vehicle occupancy is used as a control mechanism [1]. There are currently seven such HOT facilities operating at different locations in the United States. In addition to generating much needed revenues, these projects have been able to improve the performance of the system with respect to a number of measures such as revenue, total cost, total vehicular time and so on.