Publication Detail

Using Commodity Flow Survey Microdata and Other Establishment Data to Estimate the Generation of Freight, Freight Trips, and Service Trips: Guidebook


Journal Article

Suggested Citation:
Holguín-Veras, José, Catherine T. Lawson, Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Miguel Jaller, Carlos González-Calderón, Shama Campbell, Lokesh Kalashti, Jeffrey Wojtowicz, Diana Ramirez-Ríos (2017) Using Commodity Flow Survey Microdata and Other Establishment Data to Estimate the Generation of Freight, Freight Trips, and Service Trips: Guidebook. NCFRP Research Report 37

This report provides policy makers with improved establishment-level models that estimate the freight trip generation (FTG), the number of vehicle trips produced and attracted at a given establishment; the freight production (FP), the amount of cargo produced by the establishment; and the service trip attraction (STA), the number of vehicle trips that arrive at the establishment to perform a service activity. These models, estimated with the best data available, provide tools to assess the various facets of the overall freight and service activity (FSA) that takes place in urban and metropolitan areas. The models will allow transportation practitioners to conduct sound curb-management, properly size loading and unloading areas, support traffic impact analyses, and improve transportation planning and management efforts.