Publication Detail

Developing Markets for Zero Emission Vehicles in Short Haul Goods Movement


Research Report

National Center for Sustainable Transportation

Suggested Citation:
Giuliano, Genevieve, Maged Dessouky, Sue Dexter, Jiawen Fang, Shichun Hu, Seiji Steimetz, Thomas O'Brien, Marshall Miller, Lewis Fulton (2020) Developing Markets for Zero Emission Vehicles in Short Haul Goods Movement. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-20-91

The potential for zero emission heavy duty trucks (ZEHDTs) is examined via simulation modeling, case studies, interviews and a survey. Impacts of ZEHDTs on freight operations are assessed. Costs and benefits of using diesel, natural gas hybrid and battery electric vehicles are compared for 2020, 2025, 2030. ZE applications are limited in the near term due to range and charging limitations, but as ZE performance improves and prices go down, they are viable for a larger segment of the market. Hybrid vehicles are the most cost effective alternative for reducing air toxics, but ZEHDTs reduce air toxics the most by 2025. The report presents recommendations for promoting and increasing the market share of ZEHDTs and hybrids.
Key words: Heavy duty trucks, alternative fuels, short haul trucking, emissions reduction