Author Detail

Lewis Fulton (

Publications (113 records):

Title Year Series

Vehicle Choice Modeling for Emerging Zero-Emission Light-Duty Vehicle Markets in California

2024 Journal Article

Compact Cities Electrified: United States

2024 Research Report

Hydrogen Storage and Transport: Technologies and Costs

2024 Research Report

Zero-Emission Trucks: Benefits Analysis and Policy Synergy Recommendations

2024 White Paper

International Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Vehicle Infrastructure: Policy Playbook

2024 White Paper

California FCEV and Hydrogen Refueling Station Deployment: Requirements and Costs to 2050

2024 Research Report

Projections of the Costs of Light-Duty Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles (2020–2040) And Related Economic Issues

2024 Journal Article

A Review of Charging Infrastructure Requirements for US Electric Light-Duty Vehicles

2024 Journal Article
Electric Vehicle Lithium-ion Batteries in Lower- and Middle-income Countries: Life Cycle Impacts and Issues 2023 Research Report
Tech Brief: Pipelines for a Hydrogen System in California 2023 Brief
Technology and Fuel Transition: Pathways to Low Greenhouse Gas Futures for Cars and Trucks in the United States 2023 Research Report
California Hydrogen Analysis Project: The Future Role of Hydrogen in a Carbon-neutral California: Final Synthesis Modeling Report 2023 Research Report
Decoding US Investments for Future Battery and Electric Vehicle Production 2023 Journal Article
Future Electric Vehicle Production Plans in the United States and Europe – Will It Be Enough? 2023 Research Report
India-Led Electric Two-Wheeler Transitions in the Global South 2023 Conference Paper
Vehicle Choice Modeling for Light-, Medium-, and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles in California 2023 Research Report
The Infrastructure Cost for Depot Charging of Battery Electric Trucks 2023 Research Report

The Role of Clean Fuel Systems in a California Hydrogen Transition: A Comparison of Hydrogen, Synthetic Natural Gas, and Related Fuels

2023 Research Report

Projections of the Costs of Medium- And Heavy-Duty Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles (2020-2040) And Related Economic Issues

2023 Journal Article

Investigating Investment Plans for Expanding Battery and Electric Vehicle Production in Europe

2023 Journal Article

Future of Passenger Mobility in the United States: Scenarios for 2030

2023 Conference Paper
Estimating Maintenance and Repair Costs for Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Heavy Duty Trucks 2022 Research Report
Evaluation of the Economics of Light-Duty Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Passenger Cars, SUVs, and Trucks: Methods, Issues, and Infrastructure 2022 Research Report
The Current and Future Performance and Costs of Battery Electric Trucks: Review of Key Studies and A Detailed Comparison of Their Cost Modeling Scope and Coverage 2022 Research Report
Brief: The Costs of Owning Battery-Electric Trucks – Is the Research Aligning? 2022 Brief
Spatial Scenarios for Market Penetration of Plug-in Battery Electric Trucks in the U.S. 2022 Research Report
Use Of Liquid Hydrogen in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Applications: Station And Vehicle Technology and Cost Considerations 2022 Research Report
Evaluation of the Economics of Battery-Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks and Buses: Methods, Issues, and Results 2022 Research Report
Improving Future Travel Demand Projections: A Pathway with an Open Science Interdisciplinary Approach 2022 Journal Article
Creating a Global Hydrogen Economy: Review of International Strategies, Targets, and Policies with a Focus on Japan, Germany, South Korea, and California 2022 Research Report
Brief: Potential Uses of Hydrogen in California’s Clean Energy Transition 2022 2022 Brief
Brief: Hydrogen Can Have a Much Lower Carbon Intensity than Fossil Fuels But This Largely Depends on How It Is Produced and Distributed 2022 Brief

Future of Passenger Mobility in the US: Scenarios for 2030

2022 Research Report

Passenger Mobility in China: Scenarios for 2030

2022 Research Report
Brief: Developing Markets for Clean Heavy-Duty Trucks in Short-Haul Applications 2021 Brief
Brief: The Monetary and Non-Monetary Factors Influencing Travel Choices in an Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicle Future 2021 Brief
Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero 2021 Research Report
Climate and Transportation Policy Sequencing In California and Quebec 2021 Journal Article
Spatial Modeling of Future Light- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Travel and Refueling Patterns in California 2021 Research Report
Brief: New UC Davis Model Shows Promise in Identifying Optimal Locations of Hydrogen Refueling Stations for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Trucks in California 2021 Brief
Electrification of Medium- And Heavy-Duty Ground Transportation: Status Report 2021 Journal Article

Travel Time Costs in the Near- (Circa 2020) And Long-Term (2030–2035) For Automated, Electrified, and Shared Mobility in the United States

2021 Journal Article
Low Carbon Scenario Analysis of a Hydrogen-Based Energy Transition for On-Road Transportation in California 2021 Journal Article
Shared Use of Electric Autonomous Vehicles: Air Quality and Health Impacts of Future Mobility in the United States 2021 Journal Article
Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways 2021 Journal Article
Will COVID Drive an Early Peak in Transportation Activity and Oil Demand? 2021 Research Report

The Compact City Scenario – Electrified

2021 Research Report
Generalized Costs of Travel by Solo and Pooled Ridesourcing vs. Privately Owned Vehicles, and Policy Implications 2020 Research Report
Automation, Electrification, and Shared Mobility in Freight 2020 Research Report
Brief: Automation, Electrification, and Shared Mobility in Freight 2020 Brief
Estimating the Costs of New Mobility Travel Options: Monetary and Non-Monetary Factors 2020 Research Report
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Alternative Vehicles in the Philippines Using Immediate and Distant Future Scenarios 2020 Journal Article

Near- (2020) and Long-Term (2030–2035) Costs of Automated, Electrified, and Shared Mobility in the United States

2020 Journal Article
Trends in Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Future Light Duty Electric Vehicles 2020 Research Report
Developing Markets for Zero Emission Vehicles in Short Haul Goods Movement 2020 Research Report
America's Zero Carbon Action Plan - Chapter 5.2 Accelerating Deep Decarbonization in the U.S. Transportation Sector 2020 Journal Article
Carbon Neutrality Study 1:Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero 2020 Research Report

Impact of Vehicle Automation and Electric Propulsion on Production Costs for Mobility Services Worldwide

2020 Journal Article
California Climate Change Target Setting: A Workshop Report and Recommendations to the State of California Based on the Third California Climate Policy Modeling Dialogue and Workshop 2019 Research Report
Technology and Fuel Transition Scenarios to Low Greenhouse Gas Futures for Cars and Trucks in California 2019 Research Report
Internal Combustion Engine Bans and Global Oil Use 2019 Research Report
Analysis and Projections of BEVs, Renewable Electricity, and GHG Reductions through 2050 2019 Research Report
Three Revolutions in Urban Passenger Travel 2018 Journal Article
Three Revolutions in Urban Passenger Travel 2018 Journal Article
A Comparison of Zero-Emission Highway Trucking Technologies 2018 Research Report
Propulsion Systems for 21st Century Rail 2017 Journal Article
Three Revolutions in Urban Transportation 2017 Research Report
NCST Research Report: What Affects Millennials' Mobility? PART II: The Impact of Residential Location, Individual Preferences and Lifestyle on Young Adults' Travel Behavior in California 2017 Research Report
What Can Transport Deliver? Contrasting Scenario Pathways with New Technology Penetration 2017 Working Paper
A High Shift Scenario: Achieving Low-Carbon Urban Transport in the Middle East and North Africa 2017 Research Report
A Multi-Model Approach to Generating International Electric Vehicle Future Adoption Scenarios 2017 Research Report
NCST Research Report: Truck Choice Modeling: Understanding California's Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicle Trucks Taking into Account Truck Technologies, Costs, and Fleet Decision Behavior 2017 Research Report
Optimization of Hybrid Electric Drive System Components in Long-Haul Vehicles for the Evaluation of Customer Requirements 2017 Research Report
The Multimodal Behavior of Millennials: Exploring Differences in Travel Choices between Young Adults and Gen Xers in California 2017 Research Report
Three Routes Forward for Biofuels: Incremental, Leapfrog, and Transitional 2016 Journal Article
NCST Research Report: What Affects Millennials’ Mobility? Part I: Investigating the Environmental Concerns, Lifestyles, Mobility-Related Attitudes and Adoption of Technology of Young Adults in California 2016 Research Report
Equity Impacts of Fee Systems to Support Zero Emission Vehicle Sales in California 2016 Research Report
Changing Oil Market Fundamentals and the Implications for OPEC Production Strategy 2016 Journal Article
Can We Achieve 100 Million Plug-in Cars by 2030? 2016 Research Report
Detailed Assessment of Global Transport-Energy Models' Structures and Projections 2016 Journal Article
Making the Transition to Light-duty Electric-drive Vehicles in the U.S.: Costs in Perspective to 2035 2016 Research Report
NCST Research Report: Assessment of Critical Barriers to Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Deployment – Workshop Series 2016 Research Report
NCST Policy Brief: Can California Sustain Its Commitment to Providing Zero-Emission Vehicle Rebates? 2016 Research Report
STEPS-NCST White Paper: Strategies for Transitioning to Low-Carbon Emission Trucks in the United States 2015 Research Report
The Need for Biofuels as Part of a Low Carbon Energy Future 2015 Journal Article
Lifestyles, Residential Location, Adoption of Emerging Technologies of Social Networks, Car Ownership and Mobility Choices of Millenials 2015 Presentation Series
Generation Y: Lifestyles and Mobility Choices of Millennials in California, and the Motivations behind Them 2015 Presentation Series
Residential Location, Lifestyles and Mobility Choices of Millennials in California, and the Motivations behind Them 2015 Presentation Series

A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario: The Potential for Dramatically Increasing Bicycle and E-bike Use in Cities Around the World, with Estimated Energy, CO2, and Cost Impacts

2015 Research Report
Brief: Can Deep Cuts in GHG Emissions from Trucks be Achieved by 2050? 2015 Research Report
Fuel Economy State of the World 2014: The World is Shifting into Gear on Fuel Economy 2014 Research Report
Assessing the Impacts of Rapid Uptake of Plug-in Vehicles in Nordic Countries 2014 Research Report
International Transport/Energy Model Comparison Project (iTEM) 2014 Research Report
"Transport," chapter 8 in Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change (Working Group III Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)  2014 Journal Article
NextSTEPS White Paper: The Hydrogen Transition 2014 Research Report
NextSTEPS White Paper: Three Routes Forward for Biofuels – Incremental, Transitional, and Leapfrog 2014 Research Report
Energy for Transport 2014 Journal Article
Plug-In Electric Vehicles: A Case Study of Seven Markets 2014 Research Report
Comparison of Supply and Demand Constraints on U.S. Biofuel Expansion 2014 Journal Article
Dazzled by Diesel? The Impact on Carbon Dioxide Emissions of the Shift to Diesels in Europe through 2009 2013 Journal Article
Introduction to Energy Policy special issue "Decades of Diesel" 2013 Journal Article
Avoiding, Transforming, Transitioning: Pathways to Sustainable Low Carbon Passenger Transport in Developing Countries 2013 Journal Article
Transport Pathways for Light Duty Vehicles: Towards a 2° Scenario 2013 Journal Article
The Prospect for Modal Shifts in Passenger Transport Worldwide and Impacts on Energy Use and CO2 2012 Journal Article
Energy Technology Perspectives 2012: Pathways to a Clean Energy System 2012 Journal Article
Fuel Economy Policies Could Spare Commonwealth Governments from an Impending Transport Fuels Disaster 2012 Journal Article
Disappointed by Diesel? Impact of Shift to Diesels in Europe through 2006 2010 Journal Article
IEA Mobility Model (MoMo) and Its Use in the ETP 2008 2009 Journal Article
Making Urban Transit Systems Sustainable Around the World: Many Birds with One Bus? 2007 Journal Article
Travel Demand Policies for Saving Oil During a Supply Emergency 2006 Journal Article
Climate Change Mitigation and Transport in Developing Nations 2005 Journal Article
"Transportation and Energy Policy", Chapter in Encyclopedia of Energy 2004 Journal Article
Diesels in Europe: Analysis of Characteristics, Usage Patterns, Energy Savings and Coâ‚‚ Emission Implications 2002 Journal Article