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NCST Research Report: Assessment of Critical Barriers to Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Deployment – Workshop Series


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS), National Center for Sustainable Transportation

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Suggested Citation:
Burke, Andrew, Amy Myers Jaffe, Lewis Fulton, Rosa Dominguez-Faus, Marshall Miller, Hengbing Zhao, Guozhen Li, Raphael Isaac, Paul Gruber (2016) NCST Research Report: Assessment of Critical Barriers to Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Deployment – Workshop Series. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-16-25

The University of California, Davis and the California Energy Commission held a series of three Emerging Technologies Workshops in late 2015 and early 2016. The goal of these workshops was to identify environmentally and economically promising alternative fuel and vehicle emerging technologies, and to identify and evaluate the critical business and policy barriers blocking their widespread adoption in the State and develop solutions for those barriers. Additionally, the workshops were to analyze the broad range of commercial barriers and identify strategies to increase the adoption and rapid scale-up of emerging technologies, fuels and fueling infrastructure that will help the state achieve its goals for air quality and greenhouse gas emissions.

Each of these workshops convened groups of over 100 stakeholders engaged in the commercialization of emerging technologies for the light-, medium- and heavy-duty transportation sectors. Participants included manufacturers of incumbent and emerging alternative vehicle technologies, manufacturers of traditional and alternative fueling infrastructure, traditional and alternative fuel (including electricity) producers and supplies, financial institutions and investors, and public agencies concerned with energy, the environment, transportation, and the California economy.

Following the workshops, Emerging Technology Workshop Reports were prepared, detailing the findings and discussions from each workshop. This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of the workshop and related backup materials concerned with the status of biofuels technologies, current and projected markets for biofuels, and government policies and regulations.