Publication Detail

IVHS Technologies and Motor Vehicle Emissions


Presentation Series

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Suggested Citation:
Guensler, Randall L., Daniel Sperling, Simon P. Washington (1993) IVHS Technologies and Motor Vehicle Emissions. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Presentation Series UCD-ITS-RP-93-07

Proceedings of the America Third Annual Meeting, Washington DC; Surface Transportation: Mobility, Technology, and Society

The existing motor vehicle emission modeling regime was never developed with the intent of accurately assessing the impacts of transportation strategies at the corridor level. Hence, it should not be surprising that our modeling capabilities are limited when it comes to assessing the potential air quality impacts of intelligent vehicle and highway systems. This paper examines the potential effects of IVHS upon important emission-producing vehicle activities and those parameters that affect emission rates. Important emission relationships are identified, a framework for comparative analysis is developed, and the general relationships between IVHS technology bundle characteristics and vehicle emission impacts are examined.