Publication Detail

Developing the California Integrated Land Use/Transportation Model


Research Report

Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS), Urban Land Use and Transportation Center

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Suggested Citation:
Gao, Shengyi, Eric Lehmer, Michael McCoy, Robert A. Johnston, John E. Abraham, John D. Hunt (2009) Developing the California Integrated Land Use/Transportation Model . Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-09-30

We report on the multiâ€year process of developing the California PECAS statewide integrated land use/transportation model and the preliminary results of a sensitivity test. In the Trend 2030 Scenario, the model allocated economic activities and developed floorspace in a plausible pattern, when viewed statewide or regionally. In the High Fuel Cost Scenario, a moreâ€compact development pattern was found. We conclude that the initial demonstration model performed reasonably well. The chief problems that we encountered are discussed and our future work is outlined.