Publication Detail

Brief: New Metrics Are Needed to Understand the Environmental Benefits of Micromobility Services



UC ITS Research Reports / Senate Bill 1 (SB1), BicyclingPlus Research Collaborative

Suggested Citation:
Fukushige, Tatsuya, Dillon T. Fitch-Polse, Hossain Mohiuddin, Hayden Andersen, Alan Jenn (2022)

Brief: New Metrics Are Needed to Understand the Environmental Benefits of Micromobility Services

. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Brief UCD-ITS-RR-22-72

Micromobility services (e.g., conventional and electric bikeshare programs and electric scootershare programs) hold great potential for reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions if these services are used as substitutes for car travel and/or to access public transit. But estimating these environmental effects is challenging, as it requires measuring changes in human behavior—that is, the choice of what transportation mode to use. While many cities collect various micromobility usage metrics to regulate services, these metrics are not sufficient for calculating the sustainability benefits of these services.